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Re: Mgl rpm pickup

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:26 pm
by matthunter1448
tomkk wrote:OK, I'm using a Corvair as well. I'm using a Dynon system and I'm not familiar with the Mgl interface so this may or may not be of help. I'm using a Dakota Digital DSL-1E to generate a tach signal from the generator output. This was originally Dan's suggestion and it seems to be working with my Dynon system. Something for you to check out anyway.
That could work. I'll look into that more. Is it wired with the generator. Installation says to the alternator w wire but it's a generator. Happen to having a wiring diagram? I'm just doing my research and drawing my wiring diagram out before buying anything.

Re: Mgl rpm pickup

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:12 pm
by tomkk
OK, I'm using a Corvair as well. I'm using a Dynon system and I'm not familiar with the Mgl interface so this may or may not be of help. I'm using a Dakota Digital DSL-1E to generate a tach signal from the generator output. This was originally Dan's suggestion and it seems to be working with my Dynon system. Something for you to check out anyway.

Re: Mgl rpm pickup

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:09 pm
by matthunter1448
I'm using the corvair sorry I meant to post that above

Re: Mgl rpm pickup

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:48 am
by tomkk
What engine are you using?

Mgl rpm pickup

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:37 pm
by matthunter1448
So I'm doing some research on the MGL iefis that I'm looking at and wondering where most are getting their RPM pickup from. After doing some research I did see that it's not good to pull from the coil like I would normally do in my car so seeing what others have done with different efis or the same mgl. I'm looking at using the Explorer IEFIS, I have messed with their simulator quite a bit and really like the way it's set up. Any other info anyone has would be useful.