Hellooo! Anybody out there?

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Re: Hellooo! Anybody out there?

Post by MikeS. »

What he said.

I'm not far enough along to have a lot of unanswered questions, and there seems to be quite a few experienced builders that don't have questions to post. Give it a little more time, more sales, more builders, and I'm sure that the forum will get very busy. Good times ahead!


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Re: Hellooo! Anybody out there?

Post by GlenNJ »

When I saw the latest SPA post, I was kind of dumbfounded. When you think about how elaborate the jigs must be to build a complicated truss fuselage, like the Panther has (with any kind of precision and repeatability), saying "Good Job Team Panther" almost seems like an insult. To top it off, the article says the aluminum tail section will be 98% match tooled. There isn't much else to say. I guess the only question left is, what color are they powder coating the fuselage truss (not important)? And Tony, for all the good reasons, your Picasa site might be part of the problem (dead list syndrome). Your pictures and descriptions are so good, they pretty much take care of any questions one might ask.
If all goes as planned, I'll be at Sun & Fun on Friday. Hope to see you there.


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Tony Spicer
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Hellooo! Anybody out there?

Post by Tony Spicer »

I will tell you that this is the deadest list with the hottest airplane that I've seen since Al Gore invented the internet.
136 folks signed up and hundreds of lurkers and maybe one post a week. Aren't you people excited about the Panther?

Have you seen the latest blog update?

http://flypanther.net/2014/03/08/cages- ... -cowlings/

When you go to the blog page, note that you can sign up to get an automatic email whenever there's an update.

Going to S&F? Stop by booth N-032 and see Bob Woolley's O-320 powered Panther Sport on the gear. That will also be your chance to hook up with Dan and Rachel. And a good assortment of booth monkeys as well. N-032 is rampside from hangar C, end of the row.

See you there.


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